

We don't steal stuff.

Updated 7/12/2024

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Privacy Policy

When using Jonah, you are temporarly giving Jonah your user ID so you can use the /me command and so Jonah knows the name of the user who is speaking. The user ID or username is not being stored or shared with the developer(s) or with any other people. No information regarding what questions you asked to Jonah or which servers, server ID, DM IDs or any links are being shared. The only information being shared is error codes when a program fails. This information is not stored, and is removed when the program is restarted or updated.

Error Form: when submitting an error, any information you put directly into the form is given, and nothing else. No emails, names or personal info is taken. When you click submit, the developer (MilesWK) gets an automatic email with the information you sent.