Terms of Service
By using Jonah, you assume full responsibility over how the AI is used
or how Jonah in any form is uesd. The developer(s) or MilesWK are not
responsible for:
Bot Cyber Attacks: While this is unlikely, Jonah could be
attacked by hackers. This is extereamly unlikely and probably won't
happen. If this happens, MilesWK or any other developers are not
responsible for what happens related to your information or any server
information. If Jonah is attacked, the developers are going to work to
delete the bot and remove Jonah from all Servers and Direct Messaging
Misuse of AI: While the AI is moderated, it is not the
responsibility of the developers for any misuse of the AI programmed
into Jonah.
Bad Stability of Bot or AI: Jonah is still in development. If
the AI is offline, or the bot is offline, there is most likely a very
good reason why. You can not take any legal action against the
Overall, no legal action may be taken against Discord, MilesWK, Tiago
Rangel or any other people related to this bot for actions related to
the bot.